Rokko Mountain Site render for NLCS Kobe Senior School Campus Opening in 2027



NLCS to launch a co-educational day and boarding school in Kobe, Japan, opening in August 2025

View the school website

About NLCS Kobe

NLCS Kobe will initially offer education to students from Grades 1 to 6, expanding to include Grades 7 and 8 as the school grows. The school will open at a campus on Rokkō Island, providing access to both Osaka and Kobe’s dynamic commercial centres. In partnership with The Hakko Group, NLCS Kobe will benefit from state-of-the-art facilities and offer a premium education to families in the Kansai region. Excitingly, a world class Senior School campus will open in 2028.  This architecturally stunning building, situated in the Rokkō Mountains above Kobe, is designed to enhance the students’ educational experience in a peaceful, natural setting as well as leading the way in sustainability and design.

NLCS Kobe joins the highly successful NLCS Family of Schools, comprising NLCS (UK), NLCS Jeju, NLCS Dubai and NLCS (Singapore).

Hakko is a family-owned company established in 1959 and specialising in premium vehicles, lifestyle and insurance products.  Founded by Chairman Junpatchi Ikeda, the company is well-established in locations throughout Japan with a global reach.

Matthew Williams


A message from the principal

NLCS Kobe is school where every child is known and celebrated for the unique individual that they are. We combine the academic standards, pastoral care and extra-curricular opportunities of an exceptional NLCS education along with a unique Japanese curriculum. Our students will travel, be challenged, supported, and will thrive as we work in partnership to develop them into leaders of tomorrow.

“We, Hakko Car Group have been an import car dealer in the Kansai region for over 60 years. Now, with the new opportunity to work with NLCS to bring world-class education to children, we are very honored to be able to contribute to the future of Kansai and Japan.”

Kohachi Ikeda, Hakko LR President

Key facts
  • Opening Date: 2025

  • Location: Kobe, Japan

  • Curriculum: The school is in the process of applying for IB continuum accreditation

  • School type: Day School and Boarding in 2028

  • School type: Co-educational

Asia One Centre in Kansai for Students at NLCS Kobe

“I am delighted that we are embarking upon such an exciting project in Kobe and with Hakko, who share our vision and philosophy for education and are committed to bringing international education opportunities to families in the Kobe region.”

Gwen Byrom, Director of Education Strategy, NLCS International

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International News

Mr Matthew Williams, Founding Principal of NLCS Kobe

News Article

8th October 2024

Introducing our Founding Principal of NLCS Kobe

Matthew Williams joins NLCS Kobe as Founding Principal, bringing international expertise to the new school opening in August 2025.

NLCS International


News Article

23rd July 2024

Launch of NLCS Kobe

Set to open in August 2025, the school will provide an Ambitious International Education in the Heart of Kansai, Japan.

NLCS International
